Foals Mathletics Lyrics

Foals Lyrics for Mathletics.

calling all kids
this is a snare
its some trap to call yourself
a hero now
a hero then
can wind yourself like sine waves
cosine waves
wave length there

like some kind of ocean takes you there
takes you there
takes you there
takes you there

turn the academy down
academy down
academy down
for good

turn it down
turn it down
turn it down

turn the academy down
academy down
academy down
for good

count me out
count me out
count me out

sine waves
or consine waves
calling all kids on and on
and on and on and on and on

sine waves
or cosine waves
calling all kids
on and on and on and on......

cosine waves consine waves
sine waves sine waves
waves away
wheres sine waves
cosine waves are waves which suck
suck suck
cosine waves cosine waves are waves are away
waves that suck
waves that suck
waves that suck
they suck they suck they suck

turn the academy down
academy down
academy down
for good

turn it down
turn it down
turn it down

turn the academy down
academy down
academy down
for good

count me out
count me out
count me out

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Finlay Shakespeare said...

It's sine not sin ;) :P
Well done on all these lyrics btw.

Admin said...

Thanks will change it now.

Anonymous said...

unbeleiveable how wrong i got these lyrics....'we'll go sideways' 'turning cuts me down' hah!